No Te Borres

Studio: Sin Palabras
Client: Government of Aragon

How do you approach the subject of suicide in animation? With honesty.

Every 40 seconds, someone, somewhere in the world commits suicide

This animation tells the true stories of four individuals who’s lives have been greatly affected by suicide and is part of a campaign by the Government of Aragon to shed a light on a subject that too few (me included) know anything about.

Sin Palabras, a creative agency based in Zaragoza, Spain, asked me to animate a series of beautiful hand drawn illustrations as part of a State-wide campaign. I am incredibly proud to have been a part of this project but I would much rather it never had to exist.

“I couldn’t continue like this, the pain was overwhelming. I chose the easy way out.”

“Everyone can find themselves lost in the dark, in our shadows.”

“Knowing you aren’t alone, can be enough to save you from the moment.”

No te borres, dibujamos otro rumbo

Don’t erase yourself, we will draw another path

© 2025 HelloJamesMay